The Baptismal Preparation Program consists of two nights of instruction, generally commencing on a Thursday evening, the second and third Thursdays of the month, (Spanish classes are on two consecutive Tuesdays, the third and fourth Tuesdays of the month) from 7:30-9:00 p.m., and continuing for two consecutive weeks, at the Parish Center, 10445 So. Downey Ave., Downey, CA.

Each evening class addresses an area of particular interest concerning the Rite of Baptism.  Completion of the Program is necessary before a Baptism may be scheduled. The program will be of particular interest to those couples five months or more expectant, but all couples are welcome.

It is mandatory that godparents attend along with the parents if possible or that they attend at their parish and present a letter of completion.
If either parents or godparents have completed the course in the past three years, a letter stating as much must be presented with the application forms.
Because this program is designed to help parents prepare for their child’s baptism, we ask parents to make baby-sitting arrangements for their children. Please do not bring your children to class.

The fee is eighty dollars ($80,) payable with the application. This fee covers Church and program expenses, and is non-refundable. For those attending the “classes only” because the Baptism will be held at another Church, the fee is Fifty Dollars ($50).
A copy of the Birth Certificate of the child is required for our records.

General Information:
Baptisms are scheduled once a month on a Saturday in the Church.

  • The second Saturday of the month for Baptisms in English held at 10:00 am
  • The second Saturday of the month for Baptisms in Spanish held at 12:00 pm
  • The above schedule may vary from time to time due to other events.

If the child’s parents are not registered in this parish and reside outside of our parish boundaries, they must bring a letter from their own parish, giving permission to baptize the child here.

El Programa de Preparación Bautismal (en español) consiste de dos noches de instrucciones generalmente el tercer y el cuarto martes del mes, de 7:30-9:00 p.m., en el Centro Parroquial, 10445 So. Downey Ave., Downey, CA.
Cada noche trata un tema de interés particular sobre el Rito del Bautismo.
Es necesario terminar el Programa antes de fijar fecha para el Bautizo. Al haber completado las dos clases necesarias, favor de llamar a la oficina de la Rectoría para fijar la fecha del Bautizo.
El Programa es de especial interés para las parejas en la cual la mamá tenga cinco o más meses de embarazo, pero todas las parejas son bienvenidas.
Se requiere que papa y mama del niño(a) y los padrinos (Catolicos praticando su fe) asistan a las clases. Para fijar la fecha del Bautizo, los padres y los padrinos deben completar sus clases. Los Padrinos deben ser Catolicos, un hombre y una mujer.
Este programa está diseñado para ayudar a los padres prepararse para el bautismo de sus hijos, y por lo tanto pedimos a los padres que hagan los arreglos necesarios para el cuidado de sus niños en casa.
La cuota de Ochenta Dólares ($80) se debe pagar junto con la aplicación. Esta cuota cubre el costo de la Iglesia y del programa, y no es reembolsable. Para aquellos que solamente van a atender las classes (el Bautizo se llevará en otra iglesia), la cuota es $50.00 y no es reembolsable.
Se requiere una fotocopia de la acta de nacimiento.
Información General:
Los Bautizos son usualmente el segundo sabado del mes en la Iglesia. Solo ocho niños se bautizan en cada horario.
Los Bautizos en español el segundo sabado del mes son a las 12:00 p.m.
2) Los Bautizos en inglés el segundo sabado del mes son a las 10:00 a.m.

3) Este horario puede cambiar por algun motivo segun otros eventos de la iglesia

Si los padres no están inscritos en esta parroquia, deben traer una carta de su parroquia, dando permiso para que su niño(a) sea bautizado(a) aquí.
Baptism is an ecclesial sacrament through which one enters the Body of Christ, the Church.

The presentation of infants for Baptism is at once the occasion for the Church as “mother of all and mother of each” to welcome new members into the sacramental life of the Church and to respond to parents with sensitivity to their unique relationship and history with the Church.

The Rite of Baptism for Children applies to children who have not reached the age of reason, that is, normally under seven years
of age. Children of catechetical age are to be initiated according to the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (cf. RCIA, 306).

Baptism is not a private matter; faith is not the private possession of the individual family. For this reason the preparation and celebration of the sacrament should involve members of the community exercising their appropriate roles and responsibilities. This ecclesial or community context provides a sense of hospitality, common prayer, shared faith and mission, and identification with the whole church. The primary roles in baptismal preparation and celebration are those of the parents, the first to form their children in the faith within the larger family unit, and the godparents who support the parents and represent the